At hostinggurureviews.com we focus on one simple thing: provide clear, objective information to help you find the right web hosting provider to support your personal or business needs. And best of all, you can use our site 100% free of charge!
Other web sites on the net provide hosting directories, but hostinggurureviews.com is very different. We don’t allow any advertising on our site, so you’ll never see our site cluttered with flashing, animated banner ads that give you a headache. There are no “suggested hosts” or any directory positioning that could sway your preference towards hosting companies just because they paid an advertising fee.
Hosts are also ranked according to our detailed point rating system which is based on direct input from hosting company customers. Hearing what other people think of hosting companies gives you additional information to help you make your hosting plan decision. If you are a customer of a hosting company, you can rate a host yourself.
Need to learn more about web hosting and design? Check out our web resources section which is full of articles and information that can increase your knowledge about web hosting and design. Our web resources can further help you make the best hosting plan decision and educate you about the various components of web sites.
Where possible, we provide a link directly to the sign-up page for each plan listed so that you do not have to waste time re-searching through a hosting companies site.